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From Dawn to Sunset on the Beach - Pelicans, Whales and Memories of my Father

This post about my father and the ocean is very important to me right now. It was written when we first moved to Santa Cruz, which we insisted on calling Aldabra because it is so magical... From Dawn to Sunset on the Beach - Pelicans, Whales and Memories of my Father A squadron of pelicans in a feeding frenzy. All p hotographs Copyright  ©  2013 A lexander Chow-Stuart. Living and writing by the ocean - in a spot we like to call Aldabra (which in reality is a remote and very beautiful atoll in the Indian Ocean) - the beach figures large in my thoughts and daily routine. Usually I wake early, and on occasion I walk at dawn through the waves, past the occasional fisherperson, enjoying the darkness slowly transforming into light, the spray of the breakers, the pull of the tide around my feet, the constant barking of the sea lions, the damp of the ocean mist - and the sight of the sun breaking over the horizon to the east. Dawn panorama on the beach. P hotograph C...

Martin Luther King's Dream is More Alive Than Ever

It  is some time since I have written in this blog. Not since before the election of Donald Trump, a man whose offensive behavior and racist, sexist and divisive statements make him unfit to be the president of the United States. And yet he is about to be sworn into office, with a firestorm of controversies engulfing him regarding the election itself, his likely ties to Russia, his refusal to truly divest himself from his businesses and avoid the possibility and appearance of corruption, his continued gross insensitivity to issues of race and gender and poverty, and so much more, clouding his presidency even before he assumes it. I love America deeply with all my heart. I chose America as the nation in which I wished to live and be a citizen. I believe the vast energy, love and compassion of America will endure long after Donald Trump is out of office. His time is short. America represents, still, with all its complex, painful history, an idea that we can be better as a...

Angelina and Brad

I worked with Angelina for almost two years on a script and she was open, honest and remarkably frank with me. I still remember her first call, early one morning in Laurel Canyon, when she said, "It's Angelina," (she was calling from England) and I said, "Angelina who?" I also met Brad Pitt and liked him tremendously. He was sweet and kind and funny...and he gave me a Cadbury's Chocolate Flake! Very sad that they're splitting up. I wish them both well, and all the family.

Hudson, Bunny Quest and Unity Pro

Hudson celebrating at F50/Google's Founder World in San Francisco in October 2015, where he was the only child to have a stand...for Bunny Quest. Photograph  copyright © 2015 Alexander Chow-Stuart. Congratulations to Hudson for gaining the support of Unity Technologies for his Kickstarter-backed game, Bunny Quest. Unity is granting Hudson a free license of Unity Pro to build the game in Hudson's favorite game engine, as he was not satisfied with the results using his original game engine, Stencyl. Hudson has a good deal of experience with Unity, having built his first game, Wolf Escape, using it when he was nine years old.  Hudson used the free version for Wolf Escape. Unity Pro is the top of the line version and has many more features. We really appreciate the support from Aline Tosini and all at Unity . You may also like to read:  Hudson in the Santa Cruz Sentine l Yay! Hudson has reached his Kickstarter target! If you enjoyed thi...

Happy 4th of July!

My little #4thOfJuly gallery. Love not racism or bigotry. We are all equal. Enjoy! πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ #DefeatTrump #Hillary2016  It's also our beautiful lovebird Miso's eighth birthday today. Born on the 4th of July! He is such a part of our family. Happy Birthday Miso!