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Showing posts from December, 2012


© 2012 Alexander Chow-Stuart.

Don't Mess With The War Zone

I just came across this picture of me with Ray Winstone and Tim Roth at Sundance with The War Zone in January 1999. If only I'd been wearing black, we could have really worked our Reservoir Dogs look! If you're interested in the Kindle 20th Anniversary Edition of The War Zone , it is currently available AT A SPECIAL HOLIDAY PRICE OF $3.99 FROM AMAZON. The print edition is its usual outrageous $15.99 - it's hard for me to get that price down, but I'm going to make sure that the next edition is better priced!

My Film Of The Year - Wes Anderson's Moonrise Kingdom

Wes Anderson's magical, totally original Moonrise Kingdom. My film of the year, I think: Moonrise Kingdom . It made me happy, what more can you ask? We have a huge poster for The Life Aquatic in our house, which Hudson and Paradise have grown up with. I hope their lives unfold like a magical Wes Anderson tale. If Wes Anderson controlled the cosmos, it would be a far, far kinder place:)

Happy Holidays and Have a Wonderful 2013!

Photograph  © 2012 Alexander Chow-Stuart. Wishing everyone a very happy festive season and a wonderful New Year! Thank you for following the blog - 2013 is going to be a fantastic year. Peace - love - namaste, Alexander

Running Free

Photograph  © 2012 Alexander Chow-Stuart. I wanted to post this photo of our dog at our friends' ranch near Groveland (which is near the north-west entrance of Yosemite National Park), simply because I love the picture and I love the fact that she had such a great time at Thanksgiving running free there with a "pack" of our friends' four dogs. She was so happy that I wondered if friendship can be measured by how well your dogs get along.

Wonderful, Inspiring Kelvin Doe - And His Trip To MIT

This wonderful, totally inspirational video was on our friend, Michael Betanoff's fantastic blog, tintin americain (which you should definitely check out - today's offering is John Lennon's immortal Imagine). It tells the story of the remarkable Kelvin Doe (aka DJ Focus), a fifteen year old self-taught genius from extraordinarily poor circumstances in Sierra Leone, who has taught himself to how to build all kinds of equipment, including his own generator and radio station, from parts he found rummaging through the garbage. A doctoral student at MIT, David Sengeh , recognized Kelvin's astonishing talents and arranged an invitation for Kelvin to visit MIT, as the youngest person in history to be included as part of their "Visiting Practitioner's Program." The world needs many more Kelvin Does - and we should all feel humbled by what he has achieved with so little (and so young!), and the wonder and love he has for our world.  Innovation and in...