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Showing posts from August, 2014

My Buddha Hat (by True Religion)

My Buddha hat.  P hotograph Copyright  ©  2014 A lexander Chow-Stuart. I have an unnatural love for my Buddha hat. Many thanks to True Religion for making it! (The camel pin is mine:)

Happy Birthday to my dear friend Nicolas Roeg

To mark the birthday last Friday of my dear friend, the groundbreaking British director, Nicolas Roeg , here is a post originally from March 19 2011 , about the huge impact Nic has had on my life, and about our work together on the film Insignificance , about Marilyn Monroe and Albert Einstein, which I optioned as a play and executive produced together with the great British producer, Jeremy Thomas. Insignificance is not yet available as a legal download or stream in the US, as far as I know, but the crisp Criterion Blu-ray DVD is available from Amazon. Nicolas Roeg - His Own Timing, His Own Wisdom and Kindness   Theresa Russell and Art Garfunkel in Nicolas Roeg's Bad Timing I look on British film director Nicolas Roeg as many things: a friend, a mentor, almost a second father to me, but also the filmmaker who had the greatest personal influence on opening my eyes to what film could do. His films, not least Performance, Walkabout, The Man Who Fell To Earth, Don...

The High Tower Apartments and The Long Goodbye (revisited)

I'm in a reposting mood today, so here is the most popular post of all time from this blog (followed in rank by a personal favorite, Hudson and the W Hotel Hollywood: A Love Story:) , featuring our friend Dwayne Moser's photograph of the High Tower Apartments, one of the key locations in one of my all-time favorite movies, Robert Altman's incomparable  The Long Goodbye  (available to download from iTunes or Amazon ). This post first appeared on March 9 2012. Photograph by Dwayne Moser. This beautiful apartment complex in Los Angeles is called the Hightower or High Tower Complex (the High Tower name refers to the central elevator, I believe), and was designed in 1935-1936 by architect  Carl Kay - and made famous in 1973 by my favorite film, Robert Altman's The Long Goodbye (see Why I Love Robert Altman's The Long Goodbye ). Although Altman used the building as Philip Marlowe's apartment in his somewhat post-modern Long Goodbye (the film pla...