The wondrous dragon is tamed. Today was a significant day in the calendar at the Sierra Waldorf School in Jamestown - a truly outstanding progressive Waldorf/Steiner school dedicated to cultivating the individuality, spirituality and interconnectedness of each child. It was Michaelmas, a day that has meaning in many cultures, and in Waldorf symbolizes the balance of light and darkness (it is very close to the Autumn Equinox, when day and night are of almost equal length), the conquering of fears and a new beginning, as represented by taming (and less frequently, slaying) a dragon. The celebration took the form of an all-school performance on the lawn by Sierra Waldorf's old Rawhide School building (which itself dates back to 1875 and was originally a school house for pioneers), with a joyful collection of gnomes and meteors and St Michael, the dragon-tamer. The dragon itself was a wonderful creation with many legs and many happy children inside. Although Michaelmas was or...
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