Our eleven year old son Hudson Chow-Stuart is having two of the most exciting weeks of his life!
He currently has a Kickstarter campaign (please click here to donate) running for a video puzzle game he is creating and coding, called Bunny Quest.
And he has just been invited to speak twice at the exciting STEAM Carnival at AT&T Park in San Francisco this Sunday, November 8th, 2015.
If you want to come and join us, he will be onstage at 11:30 am and 3:30 pm. He is thrilled not only by the chance to talk about Bunny Quest, but by the opportunity to meet Nick and Adrian from Ubisoft, one of his favorite video game companies, who are speaking on the same stage as him.
Hudson is speaking at 11:30 am and 3:30 pm on Sunday November 8. |
Last week, Hudson and I attended F50 and Google Developers' major tech event, Founder World, in San Francisco. I had previously blogged about F50's tech-focused conference on venture capital, Funded! Global Edition.
Hudson was so excited about going to Founder World that he woke me up at 4:00 am on Tuesday October 27, 2015 - the first day of the event - to make sure that we could drive to San Francisco in time!
Roswell The Bunny from Bunny Quest. Design and photograph copyright © 2015 Hudson Chow-Stuart. |
We had such a great day, listening to the panels and visiting the stands, that I tweeted (pretty much non-stop!) about how much fun we were having.
(My full Twitter storm from Founder World is at the bottom of this post - please scroll to the bottom to read up, if you want to do so chronologically.)
On Tuesday evening, Linly, one of the organizers from F50, very kindly offered Hudson his own table at Founder World for the following day - so for the whole of Wednesday, October 28, Hudson happily manned a Bunny Quest stand, handing out business cards with the Kickstarter link on them and talking to a wide variety of people who stopped by, including our friend, Jacquelyn Richey Krieger.
Hudson with his Bunny Quest stand at Founder World. Photograph copyright © 2015 Alexander Chow-Stuart. |
Jacquelyn Richey Krieger with Hudson. Photograph copyright © 2015 Alexander Chow-Stuart. |
Someone else who stopped by was Dennis Judd of Meritronics. He kindly asked Hudson if he'd like to speak the following night at a Silicon Valley Crowdfunding Network event in San Jose.
Hudson said yes, and on Thursday October 29, 2015, he became the youngest speaker ever to address the group, delivering a live presentation of his Kickstarter campaign for Bunny Quest.
Hudson will be giving an expanded version of his presentation, including new animation he has just created for his game, at STEAM Carnival on Sunday.
Nox the Coyote and Roswell the Bunny in Bunny Quest. Design and photograph copyright © 2015 Hudson Chow-Stuart. |
If you can, please join us this Sunday, November 8th, at STEAM Carnival in AT&T Park in San Francisco, to hear Hudson speak at 11:30 am and 3:30 pm.
Also, please help Hudson raise his first ever round of funding for his game Bunny Quest by donating to his Kickstarter campaign and sharing it with your friends.
Your money will help Hudson pay for necessary software licenses and developer fees, to enable him to code and animate the game, as well as creating sound effects, voices and music.
Bunny Quest title screen. Design and photograph copyright © 2015 Hudson Chow-Stuart. |
Special thanks to Linly and everyone at F50 and Google Developers (including Brad, who was at the stand next to Hudson's and who was extremely friendly and helpful) for giving Hudson his own stand for Bunny Quest, and for making his experience of Founder World one he will never forget!
Thanks also to the truly inspiring Purnima Kochikar of Google Play for her wonderful talk and for her encouraging personal feedback.
If you'd like a sense of the fun and excitement we had at Founder World last week, here is my Twitter feed from the event - best read from the bottom up, so please scroll down and start there! And please follow me on Twitter @alexanderchow Thanks!
Founder World Twitter Feed @alexanderchow
Great story @martindempseyyy. My Gleanings in Bee Culture subscription has always been worth every penny
Photo: Hudson Chow-Stuart had such a wonderful two days in San Francisco at Founder World, organized by... http://tmblr.co/Z4KUml1x5Age9
Photo: Hudson having the most fabulous time promoting his #BunnyQuest Kickstarter campaign at Founder World... http://tmblr.co/Z4KUml1x5AGRW
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Doctor of Optometry, Graduate of UC Berkeley; Bachelor of Biological Sciences, UCSB; Founder, Pres., and CEO of Tequila Alquimia, USDA…
Listening to @GuyKawasaki talk is like a quadruple shot of espresso - especially when your son woke you at 4am for #FounderWorld @Fundable50
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Really looking forward to hearing @GuyKawasaki talk at #FounderWorld this afternoon @Fundable50 @googledevs
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Almost at #FounderWorld. Hudson has his own table today for #BunnyQuest. He's beyond excited! Thank you Linly @Fundable50 @googledevs
AlexanderChow-Stuart Retweeted
- @khuzesiam
Run a web development agency at - http://siamcomputing.com , founder - http://hisabing.com
We have a really small team. One bad hire can cause an enormous amount of damage #FounderWorld @Fundable50 @google
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Purnima Kochikar: Quality matters, quality matters, quality matters... #FounderWorld @Fundable50 @google
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Currently listening to Tim Draper, Draper Associates, and Zach Ware, Vegas Tech Fund at #FounderWorld @Fundable50 @google
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Hudson will be promoting his Kickstarter campaign for #BunnyQuest at #FounderWorld https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/arcadez/bunny-quest … @Fundable50 @google @hanstung
Our eleven year old son Hudson and I are very excited to attend @Fundable50 and @Google #FounderWorld tomorrow https://www.f50.io/posts/53
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