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Showing posts with the label Bunny Quest

Hudson, Bunny Quest and Unity Pro

Hudson celebrating at F50/Google's Founder World in San Francisco in October 2015, where he was the only child to have a stand...for Bunny Quest. Photograph  copyright © 2015 Alexander Chow-Stuart. Congratulations to Hudson for gaining the support of Unity Technologies for his Kickstarter-backed game, Bunny Quest. Unity is granting Hudson a free license of Unity Pro to build the game in Hudson's favorite game engine, as he was not satisfied with the results using his original game engine, Stencyl. Hudson has a good deal of experience with Unity, having built his first game, Wolf Escape, using it when he was nine years old.  Hudson used the free version for Wolf Escape. Unity Pro is the top of the line version and has many more features. We really appreciate the support from Aline Tosini and all at Unity . You may also like to read:  Hudson in the Santa Cruz Sentine l Yay! Hudson has reached his Kickstarter target! If you enjoyed thi...

Dash Robotics' new robot bug

In the middle of preparations for our house move, this Kamigami robot bug kit arrived yesterday from Dash Robotics. Hudson, our eleven year old son, had contributed to their Kickstarter campaign (and they, very kindly, had contributed to his for the computer game he's creating, called Bunny Quest ).  We had also toured the Dash Robotics' facility in Silicon Valley last year, after meeting the team at Get Geeked in San Francisco. Hudson's Kamigami is one of the first 50 they've shipped! This is the skin for the robot bug: It took Hudson about an hour to put the robot bug together.  And this is Kamigami in action, surprising one of our dogs...and dancing! You may also like to read: Dash Robotics' Bio-Inspired Bugs Lenovo's Amazing Gift to Hudson at getgeeked San Francisco If you enjoyed this post, please follow me on Twitter  @alexanderchow .   And please  subscribe to this blog via email by c...

Bunny Quest

Hudson has been working hard on his game, Bunny Quest, on all levels - the complexities of the narrative and the myths surrounding it (and the games Hudson intends creating in the future that encompass Bunny Quest), as well as the different levels of the game and different technical approaches to various aspects of it. This is the very first part of the opening sequence. The green gem is the magical core of the story - sent back from the future, it will be stolen from the bunnies by Nox the Coyote. Hudson has fully envisaged both the opening and closing sequences of the game, and we're really excited by them.  We were knocked out by this opening animation Hudson created. He just made it and showed it to us. He's eleven. (There is more to come with the opening sequence, these are just the first few seconds.) You may also like to read: Hudson in the Santa Cruz Sentinel Our son Hudson launches his Kickstarter campaign for Bunny Quest Hudson, Bunny Qu...

Hudson's Bunny Quest Kickstarter Triumph!

Hudson, the bunnies and the Carrot Moon at STEAM Carnival, AT&T Park, San Francisco. Photograph  copyright © 2015 Alexander Chow-Stuart. Hudson's Bunny Quest Kickstarter campaign is now complete and more than fully funded at $1,395 (his goal was $1,200). Yesterday he published this update on Kickstarter. Huge thanks from all of us to all our friends and everyone else who gave such wonderful support to Hudson.  He has worked so hard and he knows a lot of work lies ahead...and we have to make sure that his computer time/schoolwork/healthy life balance is a good one! Thank you all! Alexander + Hudson 

Bunny Quest - Less Than 38 Hours To Go!

Mr. Bunny in the garden.  Photograph  copyright © 2015 Alexander Chow-Stuart. Hudson just posted this update to his Kickstarter campaign for his retro video puzzle game, Bunny Quest - there are actually less than 38 hours to go! Less than 48 hours to go! Hi, there's less than 48 hours to go until my Bunny Quest Kickstarter ends! I'm so happy I made my goal but if you have any friends who'd like to pledge, too, that would be awesome. I am going to have additional music licensing fees and other costs down the line. But I'm so excited. Thank you! And in case you're wondering, this is a picture of our oldest pet, eight year old Mr. Bunny, who was definitely part of the inspiration for Bunny Quest. Thank you everyone!  Hudson You can pledge to Bunny Quest at: Below is the Bunny Board Game that Hudson helped create when he was four years old, and which is also part of the inspiratio...

Hudson in the Santa Cruz Sentinel

Hudson working on Bunny Quest. Photograph  copyright © 2015 Shmuel Thaler, Santa Cruz Sentinel. Fabulous article today in the Santa Cruz Sentinel about Hudson and Bunny Quest , beautifully written by Kara Guzman and with a truly outstanding photograph by the Sentinel's Shmuel Thaler.  Thank you both to Kara and Shmuel for your time, your interest and the wonderful care you took in presenting the story. Hudson is thrilled, as is our whole family. If you would like to pledge to help Hudson reach his $1200 Kickstarter goal, please click here: He's already at $600 with 15 days to go. Please give a little and help him complete his first ever round of funding for the software licenses and other materials he needs to complete creating and coding the game! Thank you. Photograph credit: Shmuel T...

Hudson, Bunny Quest, Founder World - and STEAM Carnival, AT&T Park San Francisco

Hudson at Founder World. P hotograph  copyright © 2015 Alexander Chow-Stuart. Our eleven year old son Hudson Chow-Stuart is having two of the most exciting weeks of his life! He currently has a Kickstarter campaign (please click here to donate) running for a video puzzle game he is creating and coding, called Bunny Quest.   And he has just been invited to speak twice at the exciting STEAM Carnival at AT&T Park in San Francisco this Sunday, November 8th, 2015.   If you want to come and join us, he will be onstage at 11:30 am and 3:30 pm. He is thrilled not only by the chance to talk about Bunny Quest, but by the opportunity to meet Nick and Adrian from Ubisoft , one of his favorite video game companies, who are speaking on the same stage as him. Hudson is speaking at 11:30 am and 3:30 pm on Sunday November 8. Last week, Hudson and I attended   F50 and Google Developers'  major tech event, Founder World , in San Fra...