Happy New Year (a little late) and welcome to my new Tumblr blog at www.alexanderchowstuart.tumblr.com
Tumblr is where the action is going to be in terms of my posts, largely because it's so easy to post from my iPhone and it's also a perfect mix between Twitter and blogging.
I will continue to update posts here occasionally, and all the old posts will be accessible, but after some issues over the past couple of weeks with www.alexanderstuart.com (which I redirected to Tumblr temporarily), I am keeping this blog up and keeping Tumblr separate at www.alexanderchowstuart.tumblr.com
Please visit me on Tumblr and follow me there - as well as on Twitter @alexanderchow.
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Please note that for reasons I have not been able to solve yet, I have enormous difficulty posting replies to comments - so I apologize if I don't reply!