Please watch this beautiful short video, In The Land Of Blue Whales, about the wonderful work being done with magnificent blue whales by Sri Lankan marine biologist, Asha de Vos.
Her passion and love for these gigantic creatures is self-evident. It is remarkable to think that blue whales are actually bigger than any dinosaur that we know of, including prehistoric sea creatures, because gravity makes it unlikely that anything as large as a blue whale could ever exist on land. Certainly no evidence has been found of a creature that is larger.
So, in oceans around the globe, sharing the planet with us today, are living creatures bigger than any of the giant reptiles that so fascinate us. In fact, the main arteries of a blue whale are so big that a human could comfortably swim through them!
Tragically, blue whales were hunted almost to extinction in the 20th Century. It is only thanks to the efforts of marine biologists and conservationists such as Asha de Vos that more attention is being paid to them today.
Our planet is a wonder and we should treasure it - not least, these huge sea mammals. Whaling should be completely outlawed and far more should be done to protect blue whales and other creatures from the injuries and deaths caused by shipping.
For more information about Asha de Vos, please follow her on Twitter @ashadevos and check out her TED Fellows page, Asha de Vos.
Many thanks to the New York Times for producing this wonderful video and for running the related article, Growing Ship Traffic Threatens Blue Whales.
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