Enjoy a Valentine-themed treat at the Central Sierra Arts Council's next FRIDAY NITE FLICK on Friday February 17th, when you will be swept away to a "Night in France" with Lasse Hallstrom's highly acclaimed romantic comedy, Chocolat - together with a live performance by members of Sonora's own home-grown, heavily French-influenced jazz ensemble, Swing Gitane...plus additional treats, including wine, port, cheesecake squares...and, of course, chocolat!
The musicians of Swing Gitane start performing at 6pm, while the treats and refreshments are served, then I will say a few brief words about the making of Chocolat, and the movie will begin at 7pm - with a new, improved projection system, thanks to the ever-generous sponsorship of Ridge Schneider of Sonora Subaru.
Tickets are just $5 per person. Wine or port is $3, cheesecake squares are $2...and the chocolates are on the house, courtesy of the Central Sierra Arts Council. Amusez-vous bien!
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