In the middle of preparations for our house move, this Kamigami robot bug kit arrived yesterday from Dash Robotics. Hudson, our eleven year old son, had contributed to their Kickstarter campaign (and they, very kindly, had contributed to his for the computer game he's creating, called Bunny Quest ). We had also toured the Dash Robotics' facility in Silicon Valley last year, after meeting the team at Get Geeked in San Francisco. Hudson's Kamigami is one of the first 50 they've shipped! This is the skin for the robot bug: It took Hudson about an hour to put the robot bug together. And this is Kamigami in action, surprising one of our dogs...and dancing! You may also like to read: Dash Robotics' Bio-Inspired Bugs Lenovo's Amazing Gift to Hudson at getgeeked San Francisco If you enjoyed this post, please follow me on Twitter @alexanderchow . And please subscribe to this blog via email by c...