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Please follow me on Instagram - Keith Haring chair

P hotograph Copyright  ©  2015 A lexander Chow-Stuart. Please follow me @tranquilbuddha on Instagram: This is my latest photo, of a Keith Haring chair we love and have had since the original Pop Shop in SoHo sadly closed in 2005. It has a matching blue partner!  The chairs always make me smile - except when we catch our feet on the unusually wide chair "feet" at the bottom! I've just found out that there is now an online Keith Haring Pop Shop store - and they still sell the chair in different colors at:

The 100 Acre Wood

P hotograph Copyright  ©  2015 A lexander Chow-Stuart. Paradise and Hudson today in our own beloved 100 Acre Wood.  Time to play Pooh sticks!

Happy Earth Day! Let's Protect The Planet Together!

We've destroyed 90% of the world's giant redwoods. Let's not destroy the planet.  P hotograph Copyright  ©  2015 A lexander Chow-Stuart. We need to protect the Earth's incredible biodiversity and threatened creatures such as the Weedy Sea Dragon.   P hotograph Copyright  ©  2015 A lexander Chow-Stuart. Sea anemones are part of the ocean's natural beauty. We must respect and love all marine life!  P hotograph Copyright  ©  2015 A lexander Chow-Stuart. Let's keep the oceans as clean and unexploited as possible. We are guardians of the planet!  P hotograph Copyright  ©  2015 A lexander Chow-Stuart. Anyone who messes with Planet Earth will have to deal with Crazy Alex!  P hotograph Copyright  ©  2015 A lexander Chow-Stuart. Today is Earth Day. Let's all work together to protect this beautiful planet, of which we are guardians not owners, for the astonishing multitude of species it supports - and for our children and grandchildren to enjo

Wong Kar-Wai Compares In The Mood For Love to Hitchcock's Vertigo

Wong Kar-Wai's In The Mood For Love. Wong Kar-Wai's In The Mood For Love is an incomparable film, beautiful in the way music is beautiful. You can enjoy it for its narrative or you can enjoy favorite passages, over and over again. It is one of my go-to films, for reflection, meditation and sheer pleasure. The quote below, provided by youmightfindyourself on Tumblr , is a fascinating allusion from Wong Kar-Wai, comparing In The Mood For Love to Vertigo. They are both unforgettable films. Wong Kar-Wai states he was very influenced by Hitchcock’s Vertigo while making this film, and compares Tony Leung’s film character to James Stewart’s: “The role of Tony in the film reminds me of Jimmy Stewart’s in Vertigo. There is a dark side to this character.  I think it’s very interesting that most of the audience prefers to think that this is a very innocent relationship.  These are the good guys, because their spouses are the first ones to be unfait

The Common Core Tests - Is Pearson Engaged In PSYOPS?

Just two of the Common Core English Language Arts questions from 2014. As a lifelong writer, I do not feel that any of the sentences in Part B support Part A with any great degree of logic. There is a growing and well justified rebellion around the nation at the oh so mellifluously named Common Core standardized tests inflicted on children either last week or this. The Washington Post just ran an excellent article by Valerie Strauss , titled Educators alarmed by some questions on N.Y. Common Core tests. It details, quite eloquently, the despair - I think that is the appropriate word - of many educators tasked with preparing children for the tests, and just as importantly, consoling them afterwards - not because of the results necessarily, but simply the vastly unpleasant, confusing, often age-inappropriate and ridiculously epic nature of the tests themselves. Valerie quotes the principal of "a well regarded elementary school in an affluent 'gold-coast' distr