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Rainbow Pools Swimming Hole, Yosemite, and Priest Station, Groveland

Photograph copyright 2012 Alexander Chow-Stuart. Yesterday we had a fabulous time at the Rainbow Pools swimming hole, just outside the northern end of Yosemite, 15 miles east of Groveland on the 120. As swimming holes go, it's a beauty - with a large pool to swim in, cascading water and high rocks to jump off (see above). Photograph copyright 2012 Alexander Chow-Stuart. Our almost eight year old son and three year old daughter, and the friends we were with, all loved it.  Our son spent over an hour swimming across the pool and back again several times. We didn't have time yesterday, but there's also a hike of about one and a half miles to a spectacular waterfall where the south and middle fork of the Tuolumne River meet. If you're in or around Yosemite and want a refreshing break, Rainbow Pools and Falls come highly recommended! And thanks to our good friend, Steve Anker, at Priest Station Cafe , 16756 Old Priest Grade in Groveland, for recommen...

The 2 Misos

Photograph: Alexander Chow-Stuart. Hudson, who is almost eight, made a clay model of our lovebird Miso. Generalissimo Miso approves!

John Boswell's Astonishing Symphony of Science Music Videos

Thanks to the truly moving and gentle Mr Rogers mashup, Garden Of Your Mind (see my blog post below ), I have discovered the astonishing work of John D Boswell - aka melodysheep - a genius musician and video artist whose ability to weave together science and music, creativity and love for humankind, makes him quite unique. The video above, We Are Star Dust ( Joni Mitchell was right:), from Boswell's Symphony of Science series, is literally one of the most thought-provoking and inspiring combinations of sound and image that I have seen - it may even change the way you think/feel about yourself and your body and your place in this incredible cosmos. The video below, The Quantum World! , is equally remarkable and challenging - you may not think/feel the same about the seemingly "solid" physical world around you after watching it. It is incredible that in the space of brief and beautiful music videos, Boswell/melodysheep communicates such profound ideas abou...

Thank You, Sonora Regional Medical Center ER

A collage and mask made by Paradise. On Thursday night, our three year old daughter, Paradise, was jumping on our bed - despite warnings not to - and fell, just on the mattress, but badly enough so that she was unable to move her head and did not want us to lift her. We were relieved that she could still move her arms and legs, but were sufficiently concerned about her neck to call 911.  Within minutes, a fire and ambulance team arrived and (with Hudson timing them: it took precisely the three minutes they said it would) strapped Paradise to a rigid "pediatric board" with head and neck restraints, so that they could move her safely. We were taken to ER at Sonora Regional Medical Center , where Paradise was given immediate and very gentle and caring attention. She required X-rays and then a CT scan, but thankfully, in the end, all was good and, aside from a sore neck, Paradise is fine. We just want to thank everyone involved, including the fire and ambulance res...

Mr Rogers Remixed - Stunningly

On a completely different note from my previous post, this remixed PBS video of Mr Rogers is stunningly beautiful and touching. According to The Wrap, PBS reached out to mashup video artist John D Boswell , who created the Symphony of Science series - and who happened to be a Mr Rogers fan. Boswell created something beautiful and unique (which Mr Rogers was, for sure) - and the line, " Did you ever grow anything in the garden of your mind?" is just totally inspiring and uplifting, as is this whole video.