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Showing posts with the label protect the planet

Happy Earth Day! Let's Protect The Planet Together!

We've destroyed 90% of the world's giant redwoods. Let's not destroy the planet.  P hotograph Copyright  ©  2015 A lexander Chow-Stuart. We need to protect the Earth's incredible biodiversity and threatened creatures such as the Weedy Sea Dragon.   P hotograph Copyright  ©  2015 A lexander Chow-Stuart. Sea anemones are part of the ocean's natural beauty. We must respect and love all marine life!  P hotograph Copyright  ©  2015 A lexander Chow-Stuart. Let's keep the oceans as clean and unexploited as possible. We are guardians of the planet!  P hotograph Copyright  ©  2015 A lexander Chow-Stuart. Anyone who messes with Planet Earth will have to deal with Crazy Alex!  P hotograph Copyright  ©  2015 A lexander Chow-Stuart. Today is Earth Day. Let's all work together to protect this beautiful planet, of which we are guardians not owners, for the astonishing multitude of species it supports - ...