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Showing posts with the label environment

Happy Earth Day! Let's Protect The Planet Together!

We've destroyed 90% of the world's giant redwoods. Let's not destroy the planet.  P hotograph Copyright  ©  2015 A lexander Chow-Stuart. We need to protect the Earth's incredible biodiversity and threatened creatures such as the Weedy Sea Dragon.   P hotograph Copyright  ©  2015 A lexander Chow-Stuart. Sea anemones are part of the ocean's natural beauty. We must respect and love all marine life!  P hotograph Copyright  ©  2015 A lexander Chow-Stuart. Let's keep the oceans as clean and unexploited as possible. We are guardians of the planet!  P hotograph Copyright  ©  2015 A lexander Chow-Stuart. Anyone who messes with Planet Earth will have to deal with Crazy Alex!  P hotograph Copyright  ©  2015 A lexander Chow-Stuart. Today is Earth Day. Let's all work together to protect this beautiful planet, of which we are guardians not owners, for the astonishing multitude of species it supports - ...

Jellyfish at the Monterey Bay Aquarium - and World Oceans Day

Jellyfish. All photographs (except blue whale) Copyright  ©  2014 Alexander Chow-Stuart. Today (Sunday, June 8, 2014) is World Oceans Day.   71% - or almost three quarters - of our beautiful planet is covered by oceans , and yet we do not give them the love and respect that they deserve.  We pollute them disgustingly (the Exxon Valdez and Deepwater Horizon disasters are only two of the most publicized instances of our damage to the oceans), even on an individual level, every time someone leaves a plastic candy bar wrapper or a soda can or styrofoam cup on the beach. We overfish them, hugely depleting creatures such as the bluefin tuna and the cod. We eat clams that have taken 200 years to grow - and will not grow to that size again for another 200 years, if they survive at all. Despite treaties, dolphins and whales are still hunted (particularly by the Japanese) - these glorious creatures who are among the most magnificent on Earth. Blue whal...