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Showing posts with the label Twitter

Poor Nepal Hit By Second Devastating Quake

Please follow me on Twitter @alexanderchow. This was posted from my Twitter feed at 3:30am when I first saw reports of the second earthquake in Nepal on Twitter. Raw video of the 7.4 earthquake that struck already-ravaged Nepal today: Please follow me on Twitter  @alexanderchow. Please follow me on Twitter  @alexanderchow. Please follow me on Twitter  @alexanderchow.

Please follow me on Twitter @alexanderchow

Although I blog here fairly regularly, I am on Twitter and Tumblr all the time! Please follow me on Tumblr at and on Twitter  @alexanderchow This link should open on my live Twitter feed: Tweets by @AlexanderChow

My new Tumblr blog - where I'm at in 2015!

Happy New Year (a little late) and welcome to my new Tumblr blog at Tumblr is where the action is going to be in terms of my posts, largely because it's so easy to post from my iPhone and it's also a perfect mix between Twitter and blogging. I will continue to update posts here occasionally, and all the old posts will be accessible, but after some issues over the past couple of weeks with (which I redirected to Tumblr temporarily), I am keeping this blog up and keeping Tumblr separate at Please visit me on Tumblr  and follow me there - as well as on Twitter @alexanderchow. Thanks, Alexander

My Twitter Feed @alexanderchow

As the new year approaches, I seem to find less and less time to blog but I remain very active on Twitter, which I have always hugely enjoyed. Therefore, in 2015, although there may be the occasional photograph or longer post from me here, my blog will move to Tumblr and will share much of my Twitter feed, which is much more current and, quite frankly, more fun to do. Please follow me on Tumblr at and on Twitter  @alexanderchow Tweets by @AlexanderChow

Nick D'Aloisio Talks About Yahoo News Digest and Apple Watches on Bloomberg TV (Video)

I first met Nick D'Aloisio on Twitter when he was fifteen and had created Summly , a remarkable algorithm (and company) that summarized news stories into 400 characters that you could then expand into a longer article if you wanted greater depth. I introduced Nick to our wonderful friend Stephen Fry  (of whom he is a huge fan), and Stephen became a spokesperson for the company, making an entertaining and highly memorable commercial in which he and Nick sat opposite each other in quite distinctive blue chairs. Nick D'Aloisio and Stephen Fry. In March of 2013, Nick sold Summly to Yahoo for a reported $30 million, started working with Marissa Mayer and headed up a team that has created another truly beautiful and innovative news app, Yahoo News Digest , which deservedly won the 2014 Apple Design Award. Presenting a mix of summarized news, photographs, quotes, a highly relevant Twitter feed and deeper background information, Yahoo News Digest is th...