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Occupy Wall Street - Wear A Peter King Mask Today!

I love this statement by Republican congressman (New York's 3rd district) Peter King about the rapidly growing #OccupyWallStreet movement - because everything he says makes me love it all the more and proves him to be such a Dick...Cheney. As anyone who has seen my Twitter feed would know, I have been following the Occupy Wall Street and other Occupy events across the country (see map below) and think they are the most exciting thing that has happened in US politics in years (although I still think that President Obama being elected was a pretty monumental step in itself). I think we should all let the Occupy movement grow: give it space to find its feet, make statements, contradict those statements, find leaders, find different leaders, make mistakes, do whatever it takes to make the " I am the 99% " slogan ring out across America. And to those who say these demonstrators don't want to work (hey, there are so many jobs out there right now!) or that by using