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Showing posts with the label Nicolas Roeg

David Bowie: Starman Over The Rainbow/Space Oddity in Space

My review of David Bowie's legendary Ziggy Stardust Rainbow Theatre show in 1972. ( These are fragmentary thoughts, first started around 4am on Sunday night/Monday morning, when I learned about David Bowie's death. ) A post I wrote about David Bowie's legendary Ziggy Stardust concert at London's Rainbow Theatre. I was seventeen at the time!  I somehow never quite imagined David Bowie's death, listening to Rock'n'Roll Suicide all those years ago. He went with grace. Peace. Commander Chris Hadfield performs David Bowie's Space Oddity on the International Space Station. See the extraordinary video at the bottom of this post. Beautiful thought from Tumblr: the accumulation of Bowie being played all over the world right now must be enough to hear from space. I hope he can hear it. One of the most beautiful renditions of David Bowie's music (YouTube video below): Seu Jorge - Rock n' roll Suicide , from Wes Anderso...

Isserley, Penelope Cruz And The Slow Gestation Of Jonathan Glazer's Under The Skin

My friend, the film critic Ryan Gilbey , recently wrote this piece for the New Statesman in Britain about my work on the first three drafts of the script of Jonathan Glazer's upcoming film, Under The Skin , released April 4 in the US and already in release in the UK and elsewhere. Working with Jonathan was a great experience, and Under The Skin itself is an extraordinary piece of work, both in terms of Michel Faber's novel and Jonathan's film. Ryan's review of Under The Skin is here , and to experience more of Ryan's work, check out the Guardian article about my lifelong friend and collaborator (on Insignificance ), the great British filmmaker, Nicolas Roeg, at the end of this blog post from June 3 2012: Nicolas Roeg - His Own Timing, His Own Wisdom and Kindness. Here is Ryan's New Statesman article: Isserley, PenΓ©lope Cruz and the slow gestation of Jonathan Glazer's Under the Skin Jon...

Apocalypse Now - My Life

As I write today, I'm thinking about the first time I saw Francis Ford Coppola's truly extraordinary Apocalypse Now - at a preview of its original release - and the unbelievable thrill of hearing the sound of the chopper blades moving around the cinema, and the extraordinary, hallucinogenic flow of images that washed across the screen - and a narrative that was both visionary and experimental, yet grounded in fabulous storytelling - with, of course, a powerful element at its core of Joseph Conrad's already remarkable The Heart of Darkness. Along with Nicolas Roeg's Performance and certain other films, Apocalypse Now was one of the movies that cemented both my belief that cinema could be GREAT and mind-challenging and provocative and enjoyable and thrilling beyond belief - and BEAUTIFUL - and also one of the movies that made me want to make movies, to aspire to make something as great and as fearless - it certainly was in my mind (there's a direct refere...

Alexander Stuart - Biography

Since the tabs bar on my blog seems to be totally MIA, here's the biography page that is one of the links usually accessible with it. Alexander Chow-Stuart by Hudson Chow-Stuart. Alexander Stuart (aka Alexander Chow-Stuart) is an internationally-based, British-born screenwriter and novelist, whose books have been translated into eight languages and published in the US, Britain, Europe, Israel, Australia and throughout the world. His most controversial novel, The War Zone , about a family torn apart by incest, was turned into a multi-award-winning film by Oscar-nominated actor/director Tim Roth . Video To view the 40-minute talk Stuart gave at Film Fest Twain Harte about screenwriting for Hollywood and independents, including working one-on-one with Angelina Jolie, Jodie Foster, Tim Roth, Kiefer Sutherland and Danny Boyle, please play the video above or  please click on this link. Screenplays The War Zone screenplay. Stuar...

Alexander Stuart - Screenwriting in Hollywood and Independents (Embedded Video)

Here is the embedded YouTube video of my 45 minute talk about screenwriting for the Hollywood studios and independents, at Film Fest Twain Harte. It includes my account of working with Angelina Jolie and Jodie Foster, and of working with Tim Roth to adapt my novel, The War Zone , into the  highly acclaimed film.