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Bunny Quest

Hudson has been working hard on his game, Bunny Quest, on all levels - the complexities of the narrative and the myths surrounding it (and the games Hudson intends creating in the future that encompass Bunny Quest), as well as the different levels of the game and different technical approaches to various aspects of it. This is the very first part of the opening sequence. The green gem is the magical core of the story - sent back from the future, it will be stolen from the bunnies by Nox the Coyote. Hudson has fully envisaged both the opening and closing sequences of the game, and we're really excited by them.  We were knocked out by this opening animation Hudson created. He just made it and showed it to us. He's eleven. (There is more to come with the opening sequence, these are just the first few seconds.) You may also like to read: Hudson in the Santa Cruz Sentinel Our son Hudson launches his Kickstarter campaign for Bunny Quest Hudson, Bunny Qu...

An Englishman in Havana (from my book, Life On Mars)

View from Coco Cab Havana. Photograph copyright  © Darcie Goldberg When the Rolling Stones played their historic concert in Havana on Friday , it marked, for many Cubans, a major turning point: “This will be one of those weeks that people will use to measure other events. In the future, they’ll ask, was it before or after the Stones played,” predicted Tania Livia, a businesswoman attending the concert. “This is the biggest moment in my life,” said tattooed club owner Ferrer Castillo, who had travelled 200km by bus and taxi to see his heroes. (Quoted in the Guardian article, Pleased to meet you: Rolling Stones treat Cuba to spectacular and historic gig ) Likewise, President Barack Obama's visit of the preceding days - the first by a sitting United States president since Calvin Coolidge in January 1928 - underlined the huge changes in the US-Cuba relationship that Obama's policy toward Cuba has brought about: “Obama is doing this no...

Down The Rabbit Hole...

"If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn't. And contrary wise, what is, it wouldn't be. And what it wouldn't be, it would. You see?” Alice explains negative interest rates to Janet Yellen of the Federal Reserve (please click here).

Sunset over the Pacific

Photograph  copyright © 2016 Alexander Chow-Stuart. The magnificent Pacific late this afternoon, how I love it 

California Dreaming - South and North

One of a series of photographs by our friend Dwayne Moser from behind the Hollywood Sign.  Photograph copyright ©  Dwayne Moser. I've lived in many cities in my life, and visited many more. I love the memory of Marrakech, Havana, Hanoi, London, Brighton, Rome, Sydney, Miami Beach (as it was in the 1990s) and, above all, the city that has occupied my imagination , sleeping and waking dreams and heart for most of my life, and my actuality for about 15 years of it, Los Angeles.   I love living in Santa Cruz  now, because it feels like how I imagined Malibu might have been in the 1960s, when it was loose and groovy and surf-crazy and just easy going.  My daughter and me boogieboarding on the beach in Santa Cruz. Photograph  copyright © 2016 Alexander Chow-Stuart. Now I find myself facing the possibility of San Francisco , and with all apologies and respect to those of our friends who live there, I just don't get it as a city.  ...