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Fraserburgh...and Rosehearty...and my father

Many many thanks to Ann Totterdell for this wonderful postcard of Fraserburgh , the nearest "big town" to the tiny Scottish fishing village, Rosehearty , where my dad was born and grew up.  It's a bleak part of the NE Scottish coast (farther north than most of Norway) and my few childhood memories do not include sand, rather grey slate roofs, but the picture here of beach huts prompts some perhaps imagined distant stirring.  In any case, lovely to be reminded of it. Thanks, Ann x

Preggie's End Of Summer Giveaway - A Lenovo Yoga 2 Pro Tablet with movie projector

The hip young women only mobile app Preggie , which my wife Charong Chow helps run, is currently holding a giveaway of the same wonderful Lenovo Yoga 2 Pro tablet that Lenovo was kind enough to give our eleven year old son, Hudson, at getgeeked in San Francisco because of the many smart questions he'd asked during a series of Q&As.  Among the tablet's many innovative features - designed by Ashton Kutcher - are an inbuilt pico video projector and JBL surround sound speakers . Hudson has loved using the tablet all summer, and now Preggie is offering a lucky mom or mom-to-be a chance to win the Yoga 2 Pro and maybe hold a late-summer backyard movie night with it. The Preggie drawing will be held on September 10th 2015 , so enter now! Win a Lenovo Yoga 2 Pro Tablet with Preggi e Only 3 more days until our giveaway drawing! Celebrate the last days of summer with one last big backyard movie night with your family and friends. But you’ll need a...

The Glorious Stephen Fry...and Apple

Photograph copyright © 2014 Alexander Chow-Stuart. It's almost that time again... Apple will launch its latest product line on Wednesday September 9 2015. Here we are with Applephile and friend to the core (sorry), Stephen Fry , in San Francisco the night before last year's iPhone 6 and Apple Watch launch. Stephen has been a truly inestimable pal for 20 years and simply knows everything...not just about Apple but, well, everything. And he's very very kind. We love him.  If you enjoyed this post, please follow me on Twitter  @alexanderchow .   And please  subscribe to this blog via email by clicking here.

Dalian Davos - Annual Meeting of the New Champions 2015

Hans Tung, Managing Partner of GGV Capital , alerted me to the Annual Meeting of the New Champions 2015 that is taking place in the northeastern Chinese port city of Dalian from September 9-11 2015, as part of the Davos World Economic Forum series of events. Bringing together over 1,500 participants from business, government, research and media, the ninth Annual Meeting of the New Champions focuses on innovation, science and technology, and is a natural fit for everyone interested in finding new and innovative solutions to the many entrepreneurial and social opportunities and challenges facing our planet as we grow beyond a population of seven billion. This video from last year's meeting in Tianjin, China, captures a vivid glimpse of the vitality, variety and experience brought together under one roof to create, as one participant puts it, "lightbulb moments every hour." Another says, "It really feels like you are experiencing the future, wher...

Duke Kahanamoku and the rad surfer Google Doodle!

LOVE the @GoogleDoodles today: 125th birthday of #DukeKahanamoku , grandfather of #surfing