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Mayweather vs Pacquiao? Nope. It's Nigel Benn vs me, a long time ago!

Nigel Benn and me in the ring at the 5th Street Gym, Miami Beach. Mayweather vs Pacquiao? Nope. It's Nigel Benn vs me, a long time ago! This was actually why/how I moved to America from Britain. After my book The War Zone was published, GQ ran a profile on me and said I could write anything I wanted, so I chose to profile Nigel Benn, whom I knew was training in Miami, because I was writing a novel about violence and tenderness. GQ sent me there for a month and threw in a trip to Havana for me to write about that, too.  I loved South Beach so much, I rented an Art Deco apartment (for $500 a month!) the second week I was there. I was ready to change my life - I had just lost my first son to cancer - and Miami Beach in the 1990s was like a dream! I never looked back. So huge thanks to Nigel Benn, whom I liked a lot.  For our fun training bout in the ring, he threw one punch at my forehead and had such control that it literally just grazed me. I was out of the ring

Marilyn J Mosby - A Woman of Great Courage and Integrity

Is Baltimore State Attorney Marilyn J Mosby a future U.S. president? I hope so. We need her. Her eloquent and courageously honest account of what happened to Freddie Gray in Baltimore, and the serious charges she has brought against the police officers involved, are one step toward healing the wounds of this country. She comes from four generations of police officers herself. I hope to see a lot more of her. She is a woman of great integrity and courage.  Here is a Time article that gives more of her background: If for any reason the embedded YouTube video above does not play for its full 21 minutes 22 seconds, please click on the link below for the full account and charges so eloquently and honestly set forth by Marilyn Mosby:

All Six Baltimore Police Officers Charged With Homicide

All six Baltimore police officers charged with homicide in the Freddie Gray case: One Baltimore cop charged with “2nd degree depraved murder.”  THAT is what is wrong with policing in this country - not every officer by any means, but the few who poison the system with their vicious racism, their violence and their hatred. Let's hope that Freddie Gray's family - and the city of Baltimore - finds justice. 

Flying A Kite Over The Beach

P hotographs Copyright  ©  2015 A lexander Chow-Stuart. Glorious fun flying a beautiful kite that a complete stranger gave to Hudson, Paradise and their best friends. He also gave them an intricate kite shaped like a ship with sails. Hopefully pictures of that to follow in future - it's more difficult to fly! P hotograph Copyright  ©  2015 A lexander Chow-Stuart.

Nina Simone - Baltimore (music video)

One of my all-time favorite songs from Nina Simone, written by Randy Newman: Baltimore. This video features great photographs of the city from 1969 by Ty Waller, who says: "Baltimore through my lens around 1969. The photos of the police on E. Chase Street were taken the day after MLK's assassination. They were sent to protect us from us. Of course this was long before the riverfront revitilization. That is why you see a few pictures of drunks and beggars. don't think that exists..." Respect to everyone in Baltimore today working toward peace!