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My Twitter Feed @alexanderchow

As the new year approaches, I seem to find less and less time to blog but I remain very active on Twitter, which I have always hugely enjoyed. Therefore, in 2015, although there may be the occasional photograph or longer post from me here, my blog will move to Tumblr and will share much of my Twitter feed, which is much more current and, quite frankly, more fun to do. Please follow me on Tumblr at and on Twitter  @alexanderchow Tweets by @AlexanderChow

Nick D'Aloisio Talks About Yahoo News Digest and Apple Watches on Bloomberg TV (Video)

I first met Nick D'Aloisio on Twitter when he was fifteen and had created Summly , a remarkable algorithm (and company) that summarized news stories into 400 characters that you could then expand into a longer article if you wanted greater depth. I introduced Nick to our wonderful friend Stephen Fry  (of whom he is a huge fan), and Stephen became a spokesperson for the company, making an entertaining and highly memorable commercial in which he and Nick sat opposite each other in quite distinctive blue chairs. Nick D'Aloisio and Stephen Fry. In March of 2013, Nick sold Summly to Yahoo for a reported $30 million, started working with Marissa Mayer and headed up a team that has created another truly beautiful and innovative news app, Yahoo News Digest , which deservedly won the 2014 Apple Design Award. Presenting a mix of summarized news, photographs, quotes, a highly relevant Twitter feed and deeper background information, Yahoo News Digest is th...

Boogieboarding With My Family

Photograph Copyright  ©  2014  Charong Chow Boogieboarding with my family is one of my absolute favorite things to do. We do it often, but rarely capture it on camera. This photo of me in the surf with our daughter was taken by my wife, Charong Chow.

My Buddha Hat (by True Religion)

My Buddha hat.  P hotograph Copyright  ©  2014 A lexander Chow-Stuart. I have an unnatural love for my Buddha hat. Many thanks to True Religion for making it! (The camel pin is mine:)

Happy Birthday to my dear friend Nicolas Roeg

To mark the birthday last Friday of my dear friend, the groundbreaking British director, Nicolas Roeg , here is a post originally from March 19 2011 , about the huge impact Nic has had on my life, and about our work together on the film Insignificance , about Marilyn Monroe and Albert Einstein, which I optioned as a play and executive produced together with the great British producer, Jeremy Thomas. Insignificance is not yet available as a legal download or stream in the US, as far as I know, but the crisp Criterion Blu-ray DVD is available from Amazon. Nicolas Roeg - His Own Timing, His Own Wisdom and Kindness   Theresa Russell and Art Garfunkel in Nicolas Roeg's Bad Timing I look on British film director Nicolas Roeg as many things: a friend, a mentor, almost a second father to me, but also the filmmaker who had the greatest personal influence on opening my eyes to what film could do. His films, not least Performance, Walkabout, The Man Who Fell To Earth, Don...