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Husky Go-Go Runs At Lyons Lake (PET VIDEO)

On Sunday, we picnicked and hiked at Lyons Lake Dam, one of our absolutely favorite spots in Tuolumne County.  All photographs and video by Alexander Chow-Stuart 2012. The forest around the lake has both a tranquil quality...and a subtle sense of a David Lynch silence haunting the spaces between the trees. The dam itself is magnificent and a thrill to walk across and to walk under. Our children love it here - and so does our dog, Husky Go-Go ("go-go" is Mandarin for "dog;" she is seen running in the video above), whose first major excursion off the leash led to a wild run back and forth through the trees and the water. Total abandonment and joy. A heartwarming welcome.

Lana Del Rey (and Erik Satie) - Carmen (VIDEO)

I have become so enamored of Lana Del Rey's exquisite songs and equally beautiful music videos.  This one, for Carmen , is quite extraordinary - please watch all the way through to the end, when the music changes and Lana dances to one of the most haunting classical piano pieces ever, Erik Satie's   Gymnopédie No.1 - just astonishing.

Sean and Seng - Frida Aasen (Dazed & Confused VIDEO)

I'm rapidly becoming a fan of the work of Sean and Seng , who made this short film of model Frida Aasen for Dazed & Confused , as well as the Interview magazine film of Lana Del Rey , a few posts below.


Artwork by ACS 2012. I'm aiming to have a totally superficial day .

Lana Del Rey - National Anthem

I LOVE every minute of this video for Lana Del Rey's National Anthem - and I love the song.