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Showing posts with the label Obama Win 2012 David Bowie Obama Second Term Inevitable Think Positive Be Positive Win

Obama Win 2012

My offering of the day. Simple - and it's all we need. It also reminds me of one of my favorite David Bowie tracks from Young Americans, called simply, Win . It's very laid back (long, sultry sax sound from the 70s) but maybe it could become an Obama theme tune. Now is the time to use the power of thought and personal energy - and social media - to create a context in which (a) Obama's second term is inevitable and is the result of a landslide; and (b) the GOP continues to fracture, dividing between radical extremes (of which there are many) and so-called "moderates" so that it is out of office for the next 20 years at least.  We create a context in which even the combined might of the Koch Bros' money and Fox News are increasingly wasted and irrelevant.  Now is the time to start creating a sense that Obama and the Democrats are the only solution to the problems that Republican thinking since Reagan has created.