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Showing posts with the label Hudson Jonathan Ive Steve Jobs Stephen Fry Apple Cupertino iPhone iPad iPod iMac designer multitouch W Hotel San Francisco

Hudson, Apple and Jonathan Ive

Apple's headquarters with its wonderful address. Because we've moved so far away from LA and Hudson's friends in Topanga Canyon, we wanted to make sure that Hudson's seventh birthday - which happened this past weekend - was fun and extra-special this year. Given Hudson's love  of the W Hotel - and their kindness and generosity to him - we decided to take the family to the W San Francisco to celebrate (see a separate post coming soon above). Then I had a thought. Hudson also loves Apple and the astonishing technology he has grown up with and loves to explore so intelligently (he recently reformatted a Mac Mini from disk entirely on his own, then installed all the software he wanted). Apple's headquarters are in Cupertino , just south of San Francisco in Silicon Valley, so I thought maybe we could combine the W Hotel treat with a visit to the place where the iPhone and iPad were created. I knew that Apple , one of the world's...