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Showing posts with the label 1972

David Bowie: Starman Over The Rainbow/Space Oddity in Space

My review of David Bowie's legendary Ziggy Stardust Rainbow Theatre show in 1972. ( These are fragmentary thoughts, first started around 4am on Sunday night/Monday morning, when I learned about David Bowie's death. ) A post I wrote about David Bowie's legendary Ziggy Stardust concert at London's Rainbow Theatre. I was seventeen at the time!  I somehow never quite imagined David Bowie's death, listening to Rock'n'Roll Suicide all those years ago. He went with grace. Peace. Commander Chris Hadfield performs David Bowie's Space Oddity on the International Space Station. See the extraordinary video at the bottom of this post. Beautiful thought from Tumblr: the accumulation of Bowie being played all over the world right now must be enough to hear from space. I hope he can hear it. One of the most beautiful renditions of David Bowie's music (YouTube video below): Seu Jorge - Rock n' roll Suicide , from Wes Anderso...